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Most virtual fitting rooms work using augmented reality In this case, a webcam scans a person’s body to create a 360-degree 3D model.


Business Consulting

The 3D model created by AI or AR is combined with radio frequency identification . This is another technology that scans the products a shopper has taken to the virtual fitting room. 

Events & Trainings

Brief knowledge and trainings to be given to staff for the better understanding of the product so at the time of installation at the stores customer do not face any issues. 

about me

SANjoli jain , Your Business Navigator

 I have been driven by a relentless pursuit of growth and transformation. I firmly believe that the key to success lies in fostering a culture of collaboration, creativity, and adaptability and technology.  I am fully invested in harnessing the collective talents of our team to not only meet the challenges of today’s dynamic business landscape but to thrive in it.

“I am committed to helping you build a deep connection with your ideal clients through authentic marketing messaging and heart-centered sales conversations.”

why us?

benifits to your brand

elevate cutsomer engagement

The customer engagement is the cornerstone of a thriving retail business. Our AI Visual Mirrors will captivate shoppers with their interest , making each visit to your store an extraordinary experience. Customers will be drawn to the innovative technology, leading to increased footfall and an enhanced brand image and makes shopping easy. 

boost sales conversion

 AI Visual Mirrors empower customers to explore and experiment with various outfits effortlessly. As a result, the hesitation to purchase is diminished, leading to higher sales conversions. The seamless integration of technology with fashion will inspire customers to make well-informed buying decisions 

embrace the future of retail

We believe that the future of fashion retail lies in embracing innovation. The fusion of fashion and technology is the key to staying ahead in a rapidly evolving industry. Our AI Visual Mirrors offer a unique opportunity to set your store apart from the competition, making it a beacon of modernity and customer-centricity. 

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